Why Hydration Is Key To A Healthy Lifestyle

Have you ever heard someone say that water is the healthiest drink? They're probably right. Though it may be hard to believe, the human body is made up of about 60% water. Water helps regulate body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen throughout our bodies, and keeps our skin looking healthy and vibrant. Without enough water in our system, we would not be able to survive for very long at all!



However, many people do not drink nearly enough water every day - in fact, some studies have found that only around 55% of Americans consume enough H2O daily as recommended by nutrition experts. That's why it's important to keep yourself hydrated with plenty of fluids (including flavored waters) throughout the day; drinking too much beer or coffee won't count toward your daily quota - even though they're delicious! If you don't want to end up feeling tired all the time or missing out on important opportunities because you've got hangovers every weekend (or both), then follow these tips for staying well-hydrated.


Why Water Is So Important

Water is the most important nutrient in your body. It's essential for life, and without it you can't survive for more than a few days. Water helps regulate body temperature by evaporating from your skin when you sweat or get hot, cooling down your body. It also transports nutrients throughout the body as well as waste products like carbon dioxide and hormones out of it--and lubricates joints and organs so they can move freely without friction or damage.


Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Water?

There's no such thing as drinking too much water, but you can get water poisoning. Water poisoning is when your body has too much water in it and it can cause serious health problems.

The symptoms of water poisoning include: feeling lightheaded, headache and dizziness; nausea or vomiting; muscle cramps; rapid heartbeat; fainting (syncope); seizures; and coma. If you think you have these symptoms after drinking too much liquid contact a doctor immediately!


How Much Water Should You Drink A Day?

The amount of water you need to drink each day depends on your age, size and activity level. Most people need around 8-10 glasses of water a day, but some may need more or less than this.

Water is not the only thing that counts as part of your fluid intake; for example, you may also count juices and milk as part of your daily intake if they contain similar amounts of fluid as pure still water.


What About Other Beverages?

The best way to drink water is to add it to your routine. If you're used to drinking coffee, soda or juice during the day, try replacing them with water instead. You don't have to give up your favorite drinks completely--just replace one cup at a time with a glass of H2O.

Be sure that you're not only getting enough liquid through your diet but also staying hydrated through exercise and sweating. In addition, make sure that any medications or supplements don't interfere with your body's ability to stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily (about 6-8 cups).


Water Is Essential To Your Health

If you're not drinking enough water, your body is going to let you know. You'll feel thirsty and tired, which is why it's important to keep a bottle of water with you at all times.

Water helps your body perform its basic functions like regulating temperature and keeping the cells in their proper shape. It also flushes out toxins from the body that build up naturally over time as we breathe, eat and drink things that aren't healthy for us - like sugar! If we don't drink enough water each day (at least 8 glasses), those toxins can cause problems with our digestion and even lead to diseases like cancer or diabetes down the road if they aren't removed regularly through proper hydration practices such as drinking plenty of H2O every single day.



Hope we've helped you understand why hydration is such an important part of your health. Water is essential for many different processes in our bodies, from digestion to waste removal. Many people don't realize that they aren't drinking enough water until they experience symptoms like headaches or fatigue--so make sure you're keeping track of how much fluid (not just soda!) goes into your body each day!

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