The Science Behind Setting Powders: How They Work

If you’re one of those people who love to stay up all night and sleep in until noon (or never get out of bed at all), then I have some good news for you: setting powder is not just for the girls with perfect skin. In fact, it can be useful even if your face looks like a battleground after a hard night of partying.


What Is Setting Powder?

The purpose of setting powder is to prolong the wear of your foundation. By adding a layer over your face, it helps to keep everything in place and prevent fading or creasing.

Setting powders can also be used as an oil blotting agent, they can help absorb excess oil on the surface of the skin without drying out too much (which would cause more breakouts).

While some people use setting powders as an alternative to foundation, others use them as an additional step in their routine: first applying their regular moisturizer or primer, then applying foundation and powdering again with a setting product.

Why You Should Use A Setting Powder?

Setting powder is a great way to help your makeup last longer. It can also make it look more matte and natural. It's even better than using just foundation, because the setting powder will help keep everything in place while also adding an extra layer of coverage over any areas you want to hide or highlight.

Setting Powders are made from different ingredients that work differently depending on what kind of effect you're going for: some powders will give a natural look while others will create more drama; some powders keep oil at bay while others absorb excess moisture; some powders provide coverage for large pores or dark circles under the eyes, the list goes on!

How To Apply Setting Powder Properly?

You can learn more about how to apply setting powder properly by following these steps:

  • Apply it to a clean, dry face.
  • Use a powder brush to apply the powder. This will ensure that you get an even application of product and avoid looking like you have white streaks on your face from using too much product or applying it with fingers (which can leave fingerprints).
  • Tap off any excess powder from your brush before applying so that there's not too much on there at once! You don't want to overdo it--just use enough for a light layer of coverage across all areas where shine might occur during the day (forehead, nose area).

Should I Use Setting Powder With Every Type Of Foundation?

If you already have a matte foundation, then no. If you want to prolong the life of your makeup or make it last longer, then yes. If you don't use a matte foundation and are looking for something that will give your skin a more natural finish (and not change its original texture), then no again!

If this is all still confusing and you don't know where to start, just ask yourself one question: Do I want my face more matte? If yes, buy setting powder; if not...don't worry about it!

Is There A Difference Between Translucent And Matte Powders?

Translucent powders are less likely to leave your skin looking cakey, because they're lighter and more finely milled. They also tend to be less pigmented, which makes them better at blurring fine lines and pores.

Translucent powders can be used as a setting powder or bronzer, the latter being a popular way for makeup artists who work in the fashion industry (who have access to high-end products) to add warmth and dimension without having their faces disappear into their models' complexions like

Setting powder is made with different types of ingredients, but they all have something in common -- they ensure that your make up stays on longer.

Setting powder is used to set your foundation. It can also be used to set your under eye concealer and other face products, such as blush or bronzer.

Setting powders come in different forms: loose powder, pressed powder, translucent or matte. They can be made from natural ingredients (like kaolin clay) or synthetic ingredients (such as talc). Most brands offer several different types of setting powders for different skin types, for example, if you have oily skin it's best not to use a translucent setting powder because it may make everything look shiny!


Setting powders are a great way to ensure that your makeup stays on longer. They help keep your face matte and fresh-looking, so that you don't have to worry about touchups throughout the day. Setting powder is easy to use and comes in many different types, including translucent and matte options. If you're looking for something new in 2019 then try out one of these organic setting powders!

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